You might need some specialist skills, or you might simply need extra hands quickly due to a challenging project. Either way, we can work with you to give you the right number of specialists, at short notice, for however long you need them.

You can also easily and quickly change the size or skill-set of the team to suit your current business challenges.

Managed by us

An experienced IT Service Delivery Manager (IT SDM) will manage our team so there will be no additional management time required from your existing employees. Our IT SDM will work closely with your own support managers to make sure our team adds value where you need it most.

What type of companies would benefit from our flexible support resources?

  • Organisations who regularly roll-out technical projects which impact the service support function.
  • Companies who need specialist technical expertise on an ad-hoc basis.
  • Businesses who experience fluctuating demand on service support teams.


Our flexible support resources give you the following benefits:

For your users

  • Consistent level of service, even during periods of high demand on the service desk.
  • Faster deployment of new tools and technologies.

For your IT department

  • Less time spent handling recruitment and staff turnover issues.
  • Option to flex the skills and capacity of the team to suit current needs.

Your business

  • Cost-savings on recruitment and training of IT staff.
  • Reliable support services as business-as-usual activities are protected.